buggy secret code

Happy Mother's Day!  
I hope everyone enjoyed this special day!  I had a relaxing day reading and drinking coffee from Starbuck's! This week we are going buggy!  We also have our field trip to Tweetsie Railroad that for the day is Letterland!  It is so much fun! I will be hanging out with my two favorite guys!  Hope everyone has a great week!  I am making some new write the room and secret code words if anyone has a theme they need just let me know.   


  1. Thank you! My class has enjoyed the spring and easter secret codes. It is so nice of you to share them!

  2. I haven't tried one of your codes but we're doing insects right now so I'll have to try it! I do have to ask though...what is a buaay?!

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

  3. The seven looks close to a 1.. It is a 7. So, the word would be buggy! Thanks for looking at my blog!

  4. Are you doing any summer ones (beach, ocean animals, vacation, etc?) for end of the school year?? My kids love these! They are great for morning work! Btw how do you create these? Do you use a specific program?

  5. Adriana,
    I make most things in PowerPoint! It is super easy to duplicate the slides. Thank you so much for reminding me to make some more!!
