1. When do you decorate?
I usually decorate after Thanksgiving but it took my longer this year! My belly kept getting in the way and I couldn't carry the boxes I needed! The helpful toddler didn't make it any easier! The tree has been rearranged many times!!
2. Elf or no elf?
Yes... 2 at home a boy and a girl! Jingle and Snowflake... The 2 year old loves them! I have one at school too! It is Ernie the Keebler elf! He is a huge stuffed elf! He has been in my room for years!
3. Christmas Cookies or No Baking for You?
I love baking cookies but didn't last year! I really need to to it with my 9 year old and 2 year old! I don't know if if will happen this year but I do know an awesome bakery! I can't eat the sugary foods because of gestational diabetes so no fun for me!!! boo!
4. Favorite Holiday Tradition?
I love looking at the lights! When I was young we had a birthday cake for Jesus! It was great! I love the random acts of kindness that a friend does with her kids and want to start this soon! At school we make holiday shirts and go sing at a senior citizen home! Each of the 4 classes has a different shirt... it is a so fun!
5. Favorite Christmas Movie?
I love some of the old movies... A Wonderful Life, and Miracle on 34th Street!
6. Snow or No Snow?
I love a white Christmas as a kid! I thought is was magical but now not so much! I would like my kids to have one white Christmas experience!
7. Favorite Christmas Song?
I love the classic old time songs the most! I make my kids at school listen to them all the time!
I love the classic old time songs the most! I make my kids at school listen to them all the time!
8. Favorite Gifts to Give and Get?
I got my hubby his gift already a new iPad! He keeps taking mine!! and he got me a new laptop! I am so excited! I love getting scarfs, gift cards and little thoughtful trinkets! Homemade gifts are so great! I love Christmas with kids.... so much fun to see their excitement!
Happy Holidays!
How awesome that you got a new laptop. :) Thanks for linking up.